(White Plains, NY) Who's the best player in the NBA thats a question many want to know, the answer is Lebron James we all have our favorites but the answer is Lebron James. Lebron James is the only player to posess speed, strenght, court vison and a high basketball iq. He does it all score rebound assist and defend from the point gaurd to the power forward. Lebron James is the best player because if you take away one thing from his game he still finds away to dominate whether its the boards or assist. Many will say im hyping or being a Lebron homer and then say Kevin Durants a better shooter, Lebrons a better rebounder has better court vison I.Q and a all world defender. What about Kobe Byrant, Kobe isnt in his prime anymore point blank, how about D howard and D rose neither better all around players than Lebron.
So why no rings you say because basketball is a team game, one great player can only take you so far and you need luck and also you have to have ice in your vains in crunch time and a hunger to win and thats the only department Lebron lacks in. We are the age of the espn top ten play, love to remember the last 10 seconds of a game but not the whole game. The heat are down 2-1 in the playoff and Lebron James has been about as consistent as can be but he gets all the blame he did choke on free throws in game two but wilthout Lebron and Bosh do you think this team would make the playoffs. D wade has not been living up to his status and has been getting a pass because he has one ring which he won when i was a FRESHMAN in college. Lebron James has been caring his teams for years while racking up three MVPs and that is where the problem occurs.
His teammates get use to easily looks in games that dont matter in the regular season but when the playoffs come they tense up. I watched Lebron turn Mo williams into a allstar point gaurd in the regular season but watched him miss open three after three in the playoff cause of the pressure, him Delonte West now in Miami Mike Miller , Mike Bibby and now Shanie Battier. Lebron James gift is his curse cause in crunch time his teammates just feel "o lets just give it to Lebron he'll make it happen'" but when its their time to step up no one wants that moment. Lebron James teammates took the fire out of once a loved kid from Cleveland trying to change the game, to now someone who seems as a self center Superstar that doesnt care, that doesnt demand the ball or passion to try and take over the game. The problem even involves management they believe that Lebron can carry anybody but the question they never asked was how far. Juwan Howard is still on this teams bench which is so puzzling to me, Mike Miller is terrible Chalmers and Hasleem currently rank as the two worst players left in the playoff according to Espn. So where is the help the Heat had a whole offseason to bring in another shooter or big man they didnt now Chris Bosh is out and the team looks like a colone of the Cavs. D Wades health concerns arent helping matters.
We as fans get spoiled by the highlights and images of Michael Jordan there will never be another Jordan ill say Kobe is the closes to it but Jordan played with Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman and Steve Kerr etc, and Kobe had Shaq, Derick Fisher and Robert Horry and Rick Fox then got Gasol and Bynum. Great Players win championships because they have great teammates colder or just as cold blooded in the big moments with no fear to miss look at Robert Horry and Steve Kerr, who does Lebron have?. You can see the Heat players thinking too much rather than just playing basketball.
The Lebron Effect has taken away his hunger because just like how we can see his teammates folding he can. Lebron James is human so he will either have two reactions get angry and take over or quit because he knows they quit on him first, I find it ironic how society expects Lebron to act a certain way, when half of us wont do that ourselves. Lebron is the kid in class that answers all the questions and his teammates are the kids that stay quiet cheating off him while getting As, but when the teacher just decides to call on them they stay quiet or just say pass. I believe Lebron lost his hunger after the game seven lost against the Celtics where him and Paul Pierce went shot for shot only difference is pierce's teammates where there for him when it counted. I feel thats the last time Lebron James had real hunger.
Hopefully one day sports fans can really see why the king remains ringless. One thing i do agree with however is he need his hunger back because a player with his talentis too great to not want that moment anymore. Sometimes not makng the right play is the right play after all.
Phillip " Stats" Rodney
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